
Welcome to primuslist

Primus List is your go-to online directory for radio and TV broadcasters in Africa. Our platform features a vast database of radio and TV stations across Africa, making it easy to connect you with the perfect match for your needs.

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WHY CHOOSEprimuslist

We empower the next generation through training, mentorship, and industry events, while promoting the highest standards and integrity within the media industry.



With focus on
Nigeria, Primus Media
City empowers the next
generation of media
professionals, drives
industry growth, and
pushes the boundaries of
media excellence. 


User Friendly

Our user-friendly platform
allows you to search and
filter listings based on
various criteria, ensuring
a seamless experience.


Expanding the Frontiers of the Media

Primus Media City is a vibrant media hub in Africa that fosters innovation and excellence. It offers training and mentorship through its Academy, industry insights through its Blog, and hosts an annual Conference and Awards ceremony to celebrate outstanding achievements in African media. With focus on Nigeria, Primus Media City empowers the next generation of media professionals, drives industry growth, and pushes the boundaries of media excellence. We are created to protect the sanctity, project the beauty and promote the interest of the Media!